eDoc Organizer Blog

Latest in eDoc Organizer Document Management Software

eDoc Organizer Cloud edition has a mailbox feature that allows you to send an email with attachment to a special mailbox and have any attachments on that email automatically imported into the eDoc program. Please visit your Cloud account at https://cloud.edocorganizer.com/Customer/Mailbox and logi...


Since discontinuing our Home and Business editions, we have created migration tools to allow our customers to move their previous data to our new editions. Depending on the size of your backup, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. You can migrate Home or Business Edition to both...


How to properly backup your eDoc Organizer data depends upon the edition of eDoc Organizer you are using.

eDoc Organizer Cloud Edition

If you are using eDoc Organizer cloud edition, you are all set. You don’t need to worry about backing up your documents. As part of the cloud service, your data...


Folder monitoring is a feature of eDoc Organizer that increases productivity by ensuring all your important files get into your document management system. The way this feature works is that it monitors the folders on your computer that you choose for new documents, and then imports them into eDoc O...